
Organic, Handmade, Australian Blended, Loose Leaf Tea by Soul Cup

Kerry & Dayne are the makers of Soul Cup's organic loose leaf tea! It began with yoga students sharing a pot of Kerry's Mister of Spice chai and learning to create space to talk and grow. It's about appreciating the quiet moments and the celebratory ones.

Hanmade Tea's available:

Buckingham Brew (Enlish Breakfast, 70g) - Hauling yourself out of bed just got a whole lot easier – kick off your morning with a bold, robust & full bodied British “Buckingham Brew”... Organic whole Orange Pekoe [Sri Lanka]

Shades of Grey (Earl Grey, 70g) - This delicate brew will take you gently through the day from dawn till dusk; and oh so good with a piece of cake… Organic Ceylon Earl Grey [Sri Lanka] Organic Black Tea, Camellia Sinensis [Sri Lanka], Organic Cornflower Blossoms [Poland], Bergamot Oil [Sri Lanka]

Mistress of Spice (Rooibos Chai, 110g) - Like an exquisite perfume, this chai is woven from layers of fragrant spices & roses on an organic rooibos base. Their Bestseller!... Organic Rooibos Tea [South Africa], Organic Cardamom [Guatemala], Organic Fennel Seeds [India], Organic Rosebuds [India], Organic Coriander Seeds [Egypt], Organic Cinnamon Quills [Sri Lanka], Organic Star Anise [China], Organic Vanilla Bean [Madagascar], Organic Mace [Indonesia], Organic Black Peppercorns [India], Organic Ginger Root [India], Organic Calendula Petals [Egypt], Cornflower Petals [Italy]

Slumber my Darling (Chamomile, 40g) - If the outside world is driving you bonkers, one cup and you’ll float away on your own little zen cloud… sshhhh… Organic Chamomile Tea [Egypt], Organic Lavender, [China] Organic Rose petals [India]

Live Wire (Yerba Mate & Mint, 70g) - This blend will plug you in & charge you up. Designed to provide you with the energy to dive in 100%, and make you a lean, mean, productive machine! ...Organic Liquorice Root [Egypt], Organic Yerba Mate [Brazil], Organic Peppermint [Egypt], Organic Star Anise [China]

Green with Envy (Jasmine & Sencha, 100g) - A complex yet delicate blend of exquisite organic Australian grown Japanese sencha.  Utterly divine & deserving of your finest china tea set... Organic Australian grown Sencha [Australia] Organic Jasmine Green Tea [China]

Sweet Clarity (Mint, 70g) - Mint tea & so much more. You’ll be clear, calm & ready to face your day... Organic Peppermint [Egypt], Organic Lemon Verbena [Egypt] Organic Chamomile [Egypt], Organic Fennel[India], Organic Spearmint [Egypt], Organic Liquorice [Egypt], Organic Rose petals [India]

Liquid Love (Liquorice & Lavender, 80g) - The perfect weapon in your battle with 3pm sugar cravings: sweet yet clean, totally addictive & as an added bonus, great for calming down... Organic Liquorice Root [Egypt], Organic Lavender [China]

Two to Tango (Lemongrass & Ginger, 70g) - The complementary dream team! Apart from how delicious they taste, they have a reputation for firing up our internal combustion engine, and settling unhappy tummies... Organic Lemongrass [Egypt/Sri Lanka] Organic Ginger [India/Sri Lanka]

Secret Women's Business (Honeybush & Sage, 70g) - for mental clarity, memory & happier hormones. Next time someone asks you “is it that time of the month” or makes one more hot flush joke, you can either SMACK them, or take a deep breath & brew a pot of Secret Women’s Business... Organic Honeybush [Sth Africa], Organic Sage [Turkey], Organic Chaste Tree [Croatia], Organic Lemon Verbena[Egypt] & Organic Rose Petals [India]

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